Last edited time
Aug 13, 2024 10:26 AM
List of technologies in which I work
This list contains technologies I used in my professional job or side projects.
- Node.js (JavaScript & TypeScript),
- Express, Nest, Fastify, Hapi
- knex.js + Objection ORM, TypeORM, Prisma,
- Jest, Vitest,
- REST, OpenAPI (Swagger)
- GraphQL (Apollo, Yoga),
- PostgreSQL, MySQL,
- Redis,
- Strapi CMS, Directus,
- Websockets, Server Events,
- E2E tests with Playwright,
- In the past:
- Java,
- Spring ecosystem (Boot, Data, Security etc.),
- MongoDB.
- HTML5/CSS3/JS ES2024
- Next.js
- Apollo Client, React Query
- TailwindCSS / Styled Components / EmotionsCSS
- Material UI,
- Webpack, Vite
- Linux (many distros),
- Turborepo, NX,
- Railway, Vercel deploy
- GitHub Actions,
- Docker, Docker compose
- K8s
- TDD,
- DDD,
- design & analytics patterns,
- SCRUM, Kanban